Book Your Free 20 - Minute Feng Shui Consultation To Learn How You Can Improve Your Life and Wellbeing!


To Be Happy, Healthy, and Successful

The schools of Feng Shui I practice involve science-based math, physics and time cycles to determine how, where and when the ch’i (energy) in your environment is promoting each individual’s current life circumstances.

Once that is established, I provide strategies and specific recommendations to affect the situations you want to change and position you to get the inspired results you want regarding mental, physical and emotional health, romance and relationships, career and more.

From The Community


Janet J.

— San Francisco, CA

I have always had an interest in feng shui and when I bought my new house, I decided that I wanted to create the most positive energy I could.

I was surprised at how in depth feng shui really is.

Cynthia really took the time to answer my questions.

So, I moved bedroom furniture and felt an immediate shift in my sleep. I started working from the area in my house that was suggested, and my health coaching business began to grow, and I felt more focused and energized when working there.

I really appreciated how Cynthia was able to balance my goals, etc.

with the goals of others in my home and made sure that we were not negatively affecting each other.

I have had my next consultation and am now moving furniture, placing water, adding lights, etc. to new areas for the new year.


Christopher Riddick

— Del Norte, Colorado

A few years ago,

I found myself feeling my way through life trying to understand all that was happening around me and to me and to get things back on track.

I was recommended to reach out to Cynthia in regards to Feng Shui.

Though I do not know how it fully works, Cynthia was able to sit with me and help me fine tune my goals and implement a plan in my living space.

To my surprise these techniques started working within a couple of days.

I was amazed.

From that point on, when I run into any obstacles that stump me, I reach out to Cynthia and she has always been able to come through and help find a solution.

She is patient, straight forward and is very good at what she does.

Thank you, Cynthia



Durango, Colorado

I had the good fortune of getting to know Cynthia in January of 2012 during a ski trip to Telluride. Cynthia is a delightful human being and a pleasure to be around. I am happy to consider her a friend.

I was immediately impressed by her not only her knowledge of Feng Shui but her enthusiasm for the topic.

Having just met, and armed with only my birthdate, Cynthia was able to quickly give me a very accurate description of my personality and character traits. Not only did she do this for me but she also rendered a very accurate description of my girlfriend as well. She had never met her nor did I volunteer any information. More importantly, Cynthia was able to identify areas where my girlfriend and I might encounter challenges and she offered solutions to help remedy the situation.

Cynthia informed me that 2012 would be a difficult year for me and that my element was ‘conquered’ that year. It would be a year of financial difficulties and would include legal issues as well.

Sure, I had recently begun divorce proceedings but I hardly felt ‘conquered’. To make a long story short, by fall of 2012 my divorce negotiations had reached a standstill and the case was headed towards trial.

By this same time in the fall of 2012, I was also facing six additional legal issues including criminal charges and the subject of two civil suits. I had never experienced anything like this in my forty years of life. To top it off, my business had been steadily hemorrhaging cash for months. To say that I was ‘conquered’ was an understatement.

Remembering our conversation from earlier in the year, I called Cynthia and asked if she thought she could help. I was extremely skeptical that Feng Shui could help with a situation as dire as mine.

After our initial consultation I implemented the strategies that Cynthia clearly outlined. The first change that I noticed was that my cash flow situation turned around immediately and has been back on track ever since.

Cynthia also told me that Feng Shui could help minimize or even eliminate my legal issues all together. To be honest, this sounded a little too enthusiastic and even a little naïve to me.

Well, six months later, as I write this, I settled my divorce and received the exact terms that I wanted and had proposed at the very onset of our negotiations. I settled one civil suit with favorable terms outside of court.

The remaining civil suit and four other charges have all been dismissed.

While the criminal charges and civil suits filed against me were without merit the possible repercussions were quite daunting.

What was most amazing to me was how quickly other people’s behavior and perceptions surrounding various issues would shift as soon as I acted on Cynthia’s Feng Shui strategies!

Difficult and combative people seemed to become more reasonable and agreeable. Seeming insurmountable difficulties and challenges were overcome – often with no additional effort on my behalf.

Not only did Cynthia and her Feng Shui work foretell of impeding difficulties in my life – She gave me very simple strategies to implement to help shift and change each situation so that these events did not take me down. I am in a far better place now a year later because of Cynthia’s help and insight.

If I hadn’t experienced the aforementioned events first hand, I probably wouldn’t believe it.

If you have any challenges in your life legally, financially, romantically, or otherwise I would strongly encourage you to give Cynthia a call and hire her for her Feng Shui consulting services. It will be some of the best money you have ever spent.

You may be shocked and pleasantly surprised at just how much her Feng Shui can help you with your current situation. Don’t wait! Call her or email her right now.


Elizabeth Nelson

— Victor, Idaho

To say that Cynthia's classical feng shui practices have saved my business and helped my personal life thrive would be an understatement.

I've used Cynthia to help grow my business, help me understand upcoming hardships I may face, and also for my personal life and relationship.

I build websites and do marketing for the wedding industry -- which as many of you know, from Covid-19, is a failing industry because social gatherings are not allowed or are limited in many states. And although my business should be failing because wedding industry client's are losing money and many are going bankrupt, my business has actually seen an uptick since we started working together this March 2020.

It's phenomenal. She can predict just about anything that is going to happen in my life.

I won't pretend to understand all the metaphysical aspects, but I know it works. I have more money in my pocket than I've ever had, my business is growing, and I feel so much more clarify and a deeper connection with myself and loved ones.

I was pretty skeptical at first. She would tell me to place my work desk in certain areas, avoid certain rooms or doors, and a bunch of other tasks I didn't understand.

But I tried it because I am always striving for a better life. And sure enough, everything she tells me to to or avoid is for great reason. When I place my desk where she asks me, more clients contact me.

When I use doors she tells me to avoid, I encounter emotional issues and problems. Now I find myself excitedly anticipating our monthly meeting because I am eager to see the results.

And I think one of the best benefits is that she can tell me when I won't have a great month, or when my partner won't have a great month.

When I can expect things such as family issues, car issues and even electronic issues.

She's truly a psychic and a magician of some sorts. Life isn't perfect; and it has it's ups and downs, but being able to foresee this gives you so much insight instead of being blindsided and confused when bad things happen.

Cynthia is truly a gift and a one-of-a-kind person; a kindhearted, intelligent, and absolutely fascinating person. I can't see myself ever operating my business again without her expertise.

I always thought Feng Shui meant rearranging things in your house to make it look pretty. Wow, was I wrong. It's so much more to do with energies, your element, and how all of that works together and how you can manipulate it in your favor.

I feel like she's my best kept secret. But I can't help but recommend her to anyone and everyone I know at the same time.

Thank you so much, Cynthia!


Christy Kirkpatrick

— Leander, TX

In the beginning, I was in search of finding the best.

The best energy.

The best placement.

The best path.

Over the years, Cynthia has taught me that while there is ‘best’ to be had even the not so favorable energies or directions can offer just as much as favorable ones.

It’s all in how you work with it.

This has proven to be a most valuable lesson extending beyond Feng Shui.

I’ve appreciated her honesty and openness for any questions we’ve had with each audit and the boundless opportunity she has brought into our lives.

I look forward to working with her for years to come.

I can say with certainty that Cynthia will find every opportunity for you that she can, and she will do it with grace and integrity.

She will find your best because she is the best.


Ashleigh Sinclair

- Longmont, Colorado

Working with Cynthia was a joy filled delight. Her knowledge is wide and deep and the reading validated my inner knowing of who I am and gave me real answers to some of my deepest curiosities and questions about my life.

I felt excited and aware of where challenges might be in the year ahead and also on a monthly basis. I experienced immediate shifts with the strategies she recommended. It was fascinating.


Nancy B.
Vail, Colorado

Your feng shui resulted in either a remarkable coincidence or this stuff really works!

My business has grown 400% year over year. At one point in November I unplugged the fountains hoping to slow down!

Please stay in touch—would love to go out again next time you are in Vail. Also, would you be interested in giving a lecture or appearing at an open house as a means to draw business?

Please let me know next time you are here.

Nice web site, by the way.


Jeffrey Brown
Durango, Colorado

I am the first to admit I was a total and complete feng shui skeptic, but was willing to try anything to ease the pain of arthritis and extreme fatigue from my medications.

With Cynthia’s help, and by following her monthly instructions for my home, I received almost immediate relief and am able to work full days again.

I have reduced my medications to almost zero, and still feel great! In addition, the strategies she put in place for my real estate business have resulted in the best year I’ve ever had with highly increased activity and several unexpected sales. If you are experiencing life challenges, or would just like to increase your chance of success, I highly recommend you contact Cynthia as soon as possible.


Cheryl Durham

— Farmington, New Mexico

Thank you so much Cynthia for the amazing benefit of having Feng Shu in my life.

It is phenomenal how accurate your analysis of upcoming life events is. Not only are you right on about health issues, but you also enable me to prepare for interactions with work, friends, family and my environment.

When I implemented your plan for bringing romance into my life, I was delighted by the attention I received from men and the date offers I had.

The calm I experience from having manipulated the elements around me as prescribed is so rewarding. When there has been conflict in my life, it diminished when I practiced your suggestions.

The benefits of Feng Shu appear endless.


Danchen Astle

- ALG Commercial Broker/Principal Denver, Colorado

I was introduced to Cynthia by a friend and after a brief meeting with Cynthia I was impressed with her knowledge of Classical Feng Shui and drawn by her calm energy. 

I am a commercial real estate broker and I own a commercial real estate brokerage and consulting firm working with seasoned commercial real estate professionals. 

When I mentioned Cynthia and her service to some colleagues, I immediately knew there was a demand to learn more about the Classical Feng Shui and her practice. 

In Fall of 2022, I hosted a workshop to have Cynthia introduce Classical Feng Shui to a group of commercial real estate professionals, and it turned out to be great.  We had around 15 participants and we had so much fun learning the basics and how Feng Shui can enhance our personal and business lives. 

Cynthia is very professional, knowledgeable, and experienced in her field. She encourages questions and discussions that make the seminar interactive and engaging.

The workshop is great for team building as well as leadership development or business skill sets improvements by understanding those who we work with and around. 

I am a true believer in positive energy – the flow of healthy and smooth chi in our surroundings and I believe classical Fengshui can help create and enhance that.


Rebecca Arnold, MA, CMT, Owner of Blue Lotus Healing Therapy

— Paonia, Colorado

Cynthia Chan guided the Feng Shui for our home to help us with financial abundance, health issues, and relationship harmony. Cynthia uses an ancient system of Feng Shui based on how the five elements interact and affect our energy. After implementing the strategies, we noticed almost immediate improvements that amazed us. Something as simple as changing the colors of our daughter’s bedroom helped her to sleep better and not fight us to go to bed.

At the end of the yearly cycle, things seemed to be “off”; we had various challenges arise financially and relationally. When Cynthia calculated the Feng Shui for this New Year, she confirmed that some of these challenges were related to the current yearly cycle. She guided us to place new strategies to offset these challenges, and somehow, after doing so, things started to feel better and improve.

Feng Shui creates a subtle, energetic shift in how you feel, as well as boosting your potential for success in life. Even if you are skeptical about Feng Shui, I recommend just trying it out!


Nina Sasaki OTR/L, Occupational Therapist Farmington

— New Mexica and Durango, Colorado

I have been a client of Cynthia’s for several years. When I first met her I had just gone through breast cancer treatment and experiencing debilitating fatigue. At the same time I had to care for my aging parents. When I implemented her strategies I got significantly better & I truly believe it eased the difficulties in the care & health of my parents & myself.

After experiencing other positive results from her like reducing controversy or disharmony, (it really works!) I now get annual audits for both my house and apartment. I consult her on health issues on an ongoing basis & I also consulted her when putting a pool in my back yard.
One anecdote is when I made a trip to the Caymans. I implemented her suggestions to ease the fatigue & help ensure a safe & comfortable trip.

The result was that it was absolutely magical – people I didn’t know (who didn’t know I was recovering) on the long trip w/several layovers, stepping out to help me on every leg – to the point where the last flight attendant gave me 4 small bottles of champagne – & this was a few years ago after they stopped giving anything away. Too bad I don’t drink!

Cynthia is attentive to my needs and gives me awareness on how to use my actions to work with chi to support my priorities.


Christina M.

— Austin, TX

I was a non-believer, but after talking with her over a free consultation, I decided to give it a go.

Since moving to Austin it's been a tough go: the job didn't go so well, I was on the brink of closing my business because I felt it was energy-life-sucking, the relationship at home was tense, and the stress was awful.

To top things off, everyone at home was getting ill: migraines, 'stress' related concerns like high blood pressure, etc.

To top things off, 8 months of searching for a house to buy was driving us nuts...until I met Cynthia.

After doing a quick consult she commented that the apartment we were living in was really bad for every complaint on my list, and she admitted it was going to be tough to get us out.

There was a window of opportunity that she suggested a few tips...and after implementing those tips (using the back door and focusing efforts in this area, etc.) we literally had an accepted offer within 2 days!

Not only that, but when she started going over the floorplan of my NEW home, she gave me even more ideas to 'spark up business, smooth out the relationship, and more!

I've been working with her for about a month: business is booming.

I launched into a new sector for my business which is going AMAZING, the new home feels great, my husband's career is doing much better, and even the dogs seems happier! (okay, that may be the yard).

I have NO complaints, and if you have the courage to save a little money and give it a will be pleasantly surprised.


Bonglai Tran

— Edwards, Colorado

I have been helped with monthly and annually audits. Cynthia is the best.

Her interest only focus on my well-being.

Her love and compassion showed thru every time.

She helped me on numerous issues, especially legal issues that I was involved with on the bad end of the deals.

Cynthia cares very much and would do anything to help ease or eliminate problems.

She did that with me many occasions and got me off what could have been disaster.

I love her and hope that her Classical Fengshui will help me for the next five years with my business and for the rest of my life with love, wealth and health.


Poh Chang

— Austin, Texas

We have moved into our new home 6 years ago . Since then, my husband and I have been suffering from ill health and he has increasing work problems. My sister, who is an avid feng shui follower, recommended that I get a feng shui consult on my home. I decided to do so after a phone call to Cynthia who impressed me by her great enthusiasm and patient explanation about the basics of classical fengshui.

Following an on site home visit, she confessed that my house is one of the most challenging situation she has encountered. She proceeded with strategic plans to improve the energy flow within the house. After a few months of installing the changes , our health problems are resolving and my husband is enjoying positive changes in his work environment. We have decided to proceed with yearly feng shui reviews from Cynthia.

I think I have changed from a sceptic to a believer in how fengshui can affect in a positive or negative way in many aspects of our lives. I credit this to Cynthia who is both knowledgeable and honest in her work. In my scenario, she did not hesitate to consult her fengshui teacher/master when faced with a difficult situation regarding furniture placements in my bedroom. I will recommend her highly to anyone who is in need of a feng shui consultation.


Artist and former owner of Dragonfly Art and Toys

— Monterey, California

When I first contacted Cynthia, I felt I was in the midst of a “feng shui emergency”. Everything was going wrong in and around my store building. Cynthia immediately fit me into her busy schedule and analyzed the building. She was very honest, and told me right off that this building would never bring me great financial rewards, but we could certainly diminish the negative, stressful things that were happening, and maximize whatever potential there was for prosperity.

She recommended appropriate placement for the cash register, computer, different types of merchandise, and various elements to strengthen or weaken chi as needed. She also guided me in selecting a new color for the interior of the store… one that would promote balance and serenity.

Within a very short time after I started to implement the recommended strategies, the store became a calm and joyful place. Customers commented on the pleasant atmosphere, and the business became a lovely social meeting place.

As predicted, I did not make heaps of money, but did make a reasonable living for several years, and enjoyed my work in the store, rather than feeling constant stress and worry as I had in the past.

Through the years I have had several yearly Feng Shui audits from her. I highly recommend Cynthia’s services!


Joe and Leslie Sanchez

— Owners of multiple business in Durango, Colorado

Life is full of twists and turns. Hard work and dogged determination alone, may not always get you the intended results. A little extra help can be there along the way, for those astute enough to grab the ring.

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese science developed thousands of years ago, is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for the people inhabiting it.

As a regular participant of traditional Chinese exercises, Qui Gong, and someone who dwells somewhat into Eastern philosophy, I sense and am a total believer in Chi, or life energy.

Having known Cynthia for several years, I’ve applied her tips, and advice over and over again, achieving more than favorable results. Expect at least subtle differences in your well-being and journey through life. It is always good advice to heed Cynthia’s counsel as well. I’m always inspired by her overwhelming enthusiasm and firm commitment to the art of Feng Shui.

My wife and I trust her totally. It is however, not a cure all. Applying Feng Shui principals is only part of a strategy which, in addition to other elements such hard work, self belief, calculated risk taking and especially dogged determination will certainly tip the scales in your favor. So go ahead, give Feng Shui a try, you have nothing to lose and certainly a happier, more fulfilled life to gain.


Owner of Dunn Deal

— Durango, Colorado

I met Ms. Cynthia Lee Chan and as our conversation regarding Feng Shui deepened I became curious at its complexities and potential power for my business and life. I decided to give it a try and hired her for her counseling.We were in the process of expanding our business for the need of more space but were in a position of only having average sales and interest in our products.

Ms. Chan analyzed our business during and after construction and we instituted her measures. Shortly after the expansion our business exploded and we saw revenues never imagined. We had to put on extra people and work longer hours to meet the demand. It was unbelievable. She kept updating and evaluating our measures and we kept implementing them. Sales continued to soar and it has been a huge year. I am very satisfied. Her fees were offset in a short time by sales increase.

On a personal note, she mentioned she could influence relationships also. I had terrible luck with dating and even getting women interested in me. She implemented measures at my house and shortly thereafter, I had five different women either interested in dating me or asking me out. I have been seeing a wonderful lady now for 8 months and it has been an exceptional relationship.

As I first started to consider Feng Shui, I looked on line and reviewed other programs by people claiming they knew Feng Shui. Do not believe these people and their measures. After seeing the “real thing” and experiencing it with Cynthia Lee Chan, Feng Shui is a very complex practice and there are many factors to be taken into consideration to come up with the appropriate measures. This has worked for me and my business.

Melissa Youssef

— Founder/Owner of Pyramid Billing Durango, Colorado

Hi Cynthia, I just wanted to thank you for the most wonderful gift of FS. It was extremely powerful for me and I can’t stop thinking about it. So helpful to have the understanding of the various powers and forces influencing our lives.

Thank you again.

I had no idea what FS truly was. It is much more than just moving a bed or adding a plant. It is LIFE ALTERING!

You did an amazing job presenting and explaining. You are extremely talented and gifted. You certainly influenced me.

Thank you so much and I look forward to learning more.


Steven Roszell

— Rollinsville, Colorado

Cynthia has changed my life!

Nothing seemed to be working personally or financially for many years! I have lost or wasted so much time and money! No Longer!

The knowledge and advice she shared about CLASSICAL Feng Shui is way more complex than I first thought.

What I thought was Feng Shui, is no more than a Twinkie of advice. If you are lucky enough to have Cynthia help you, I know your life will change as well.

Peace, Love and Happiness!


Katherine Romanek

— Austin, Texas

I cannot over-emphasize the positive impact Cynthia has had on our lives. Without giving the personal details of our family’s transformation let me just say that the results have been miraculous. I never thought Feng Shui could have such a life-changing impact. I thought it might help in a small way, but I had no idea it would be the answer to our prayers.

Cynthia’s impact comes from her unique talents and her advanced methods. She is an incredibly passionate, loving and gifted person. During my first phone conversation with her, I immediately realized she was special. When she came to our home to give us her initial assessment I was blown away. She had us pegged! Just from looking at our Feng Shui, she could already tell the challenges we were facing. We immediately went to work implementing her strategies. We started seeing changes almost immediately and within months our family was transformed.

Do not delay in calling Cynthia.

What she has to offer is worth every penny and more. Cynthia thank you so much for all you have done for us.

You are angel in this world!

Erin Arnold

— Austin, Texas

Not all Feng Shui practitioners are equal… I have met those who say they know Feng Shui and have made suggestions. And then I met Cynthia! What is the difference? Cynthia uses some serious old school Feng Shui Mathematical Jedi magic combining your specific elemental energy, the specific area you are trying to address (home, work, etc) and makes a VERY specific plan just for YOU!

After using her services, my business exploded (in the good way!). Even better than that, she educated me on how the elemental energy of each member of my family interacts with the other. It was crazy accurate and inspired awareness and compassion for each other in our interactions.

Cynthia’s love of her work and her amazing personality make her a dream to work with.

I highly recommend her!


Melly K.
— Denver, Colorado

Hiring Cynthia Lee Chan was money and time well spent. Cynthia is wise and sensitive. I have sleep issues and the changes she made have allowed me to sleep without Ambien which I have been dependent on for over a decade. I also have bladder issues and the changes she made have been helpful with those issues also.

Cynthia wanted me to make some changes with where I was sitting to prevent depression. I wasn't able to move the chairs so she adapted and was flexible. I did everything Cynthia suggested because I want to improve my quality of life. I will happily continue to work with Cynthia in the future.


Stephanie Dueger
— Denver, Colorado

Cynthia is a true master at her work. She literally has helped our family sleep more soundly, improve our health and finances, and avoid unwanted experiences.

I highly recommend Cynthia and appreciate the complexity of the work she does, which is unlike any I have seen in Feng Shui.


Shawna Emarine
— Silverthorne, Colorado

Cynthia Chan is one of what I consider, the best, authentic, accurate Feng Shui consultants you could have do an audit for you. She “sees” your story through the numbers. She is fast and accurate at seeing the story you are living and offering you solutions or strategies to deal with what you are currently going through.

She takes each case very seriously and is very conscientious of her work and patient with clients and students. She has helped me, tutored me, and worked on projects with me. I can’t say enough good things about her or her abilities and results.


— Vail, Colorado

I have been aware of Feng Shui for many years, have read an occasional book and used a principle or two from time to time. It wasn’t until I met Cynthia that I discovered just how powerful Feng Shui can really be. Cynthia did an analysis of my home, made recommendations on the actions that we should take and the results were virtually immediate!

She cares deeply about the success of her clients and brings a deep knowledge of the principles to her work. Anyone looking to improve areas of their lives can benefit from Cynthia.


Stacey B.

Boulder, Colorado

Cynthia is a wise and insightful master of everything Feng Shui.

She sheds light and actionable tools on the most difficult of problems whether it's relationships, career, health, money, moving, spirituality or anything else.

I'm grateful to work with her and use her expertise to live my optimal life.


Shanna Bird

— Owner of Ashley Furniture, Freight Direct Furniture, and Elegant ImagesFarmington, NM

I have been a client of Cynthia’s for 20+ years. 

Over the years I have seen her practice evolve from working with 20-year cycles of chi with a more general consultation, to working with annual and monthly cycles of chi to help me with more specific goals and issues. 

Feng Shui strategies helped me with a variety of things like water problems, legal issues, and employee issues, as well as helped with increasing sales, designing my home and business and giving me the awareness on how chi is affecting me during particular cycles so I could use my actions to overcome them.

I have been amazed at how accurate Feng Shui can predict upcoming challenges and how the many insights helped me with my decision-making process.

It’s also been fascinating seeing how strategies actually help promote outcomes we were striving for.

Cynthia has always been very helpful with my Feng Shui needs, which has helped me in life.

I highly recommend her services in providing an extra tool in dealing with today’s challenges.


Claudia & Bruce Matheson

— Forres, Scotland

We needed more room in our house so consulted Cynthia on whether it would be more beneficial for us to remodel or move to another home. She advised us that not only was the remodel not worth putting the money into but that if we did want to sell we needed to do it before the new year as our cycle of chi indicated that we had energy to sell now and not next year.

So we decided to sell asap (the new year was just a month away…!).. Meanwhile our agent laughed at our proposed date for putting it on the market as well as the price.

Cynthia advised us on the date to sign the real estate contract and changes to enhance the chi that promotes real estate activity through placement of furniture and elements, and we put the house on the market.

It sold on the day we signed the realty contract to the first people who entered the house and an amazing number of interested parties came to view it. It sold at full price during a normally very low season (Dec.)

Thanks again Cynthia


Tim and Lee Ternes

— St. George, Utah

After following Cynthia’s advice and recommendations when we built our new home in 2004, we decided to retire and move to Saint George, Utah.

We were so very prosperous and happy in our home as Cynthia continued our monthly audits.

We thought moving and selling our home would be such a huge undertaking.

Our oil and gas economy had gone very bad and our price range of homes was not selling at all. The subdivision we lived in had many homes for sale, with many being on the market for over a year or never sold at all. Cynthia and Feng Shui to our rescue!!!!

We were ready to market our home immediately, as we had already made an offer on a home in Saint George.

Cynthia, who had been working with us for over 10 years now, gave us the exact date to list the home and sign the documents.

We also implemented her strategies and within two weeks, we had a CASH buyer, we got the price we wanted and everything throughout the sale and move went so very precise and easy, we were in our Saint George home in five weeks from the contract!!!!

Cynthia continues to bless us with her expert Feng Shui readings and we are so very fortunate to have her in our lives!!!

We Thank You!!!!

Find out more about how Classical Feng Shui can help you get results like all of these happy members of our community.

Call us: (505) 947-8899

Implementing Feng Shui through natural and sustainable practices for a balanced and harmonious life.

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